Smart Energy System – the road to a fossil free energy system

Denmark has decided to become independent from fossil fuels. For the sake of the climate, the economy, and in order to ensure security of energy supply. This film shows how this will happen.
At present wind and solar energy already delivers a good share of Denmark’s energy, but renewable energy is a major challenge for an energy system that is built upon fossil fuels. Energy production from wind and solar fluctuates – it fluctuates as the wind blows. So what renewables are reliable when there is no sun or wind energy available?
Another challenge is the transport sector. How do we create an energy system of renewable energy, where also cars, ships and planes can operate on fossil-free energy?
A great example of an energy system that will ensure Denmark a 100% renewable energy system is called: Smart Energy Systems – a coherent, fossil-free energy system that will create lots of new jobs and green energy for the Danes, both in terms of electricity, heat and transport.
Produced by Storywise.
You can watch this film in a short version here:

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På opdagelse i Nationalpark Mols Bjerge

Vi er i Nationalpark Mols Bjerge – en af Danmarks 3 nationalparker. Vi skal på opdagelse i den 180 km store nationalpark på næsetippen af Jylland. Vores rejseguider er de to naturformidlere Morten DD og Jens Reddersen. Begge har deres daglige gang blandt dyr og mennesker i området.
En tv-serie på seks programmer produceret af Storywise for Nationalpark Mols Bjerge.

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Biogas in Denmark – produceret for Blue Planet Innovation

Denmark has decided to become independent from fossil fuels. Therefore, all energy that Danes will consume in the future must come from renewable energy sources.
The transition means, that agriculture will become a big and important producer of energy. But how will this happen? And why is an investment in an expansion of biogas production in Denmark a good and long-term investment? This film tells the story.
Produced by Storywise for Blue Planet Innovation and Centre for Knowledge Center for Agriculture.

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Nadjeschda – The Danish-Russian American” – intro.

Around the year 1900 two young people fall in love in a village in Eastern Jutland. The couple is longing to go abroad but it turns into a tough meeting between dreams and the reality of life as emigrants.
The world showed them revolution, world war and poverty. Yet, they insisted on a life in the unknown. After 15 years of searching, they finally found the place, where they wanted to and had the possibility to settle down: Iowa, USA.
Despite a tumultuous life, they are gifted with a large family. One of those children was Nadjeschda Overgaard.
This film is about Nadjeschda’s life and destiny, An exiting story where we hear the tale of the dramatic history of Denmark, Russia and America in the 20th century. At the same time, “Nadjeschda” puts focus on the Danes as emigrants in a foreign country.
Produced by Storywise in cooperation with The Danish Emigration Archives. The film had officiel premiere in Kimballton, Iowa, USA on December, 2013 and at The Danish Emigration Archives in Ålborg, Denmark on December 8th, 2013. The film will furthermore be available in Denmark as digital educational material by 2013.

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GREEN GAS – part of the future integrated energy system.

In 40 years, the entire Danish energy supply must come from renewable energy. Coal, oil and natural gas must be replaced by solar, wind, biomass, waste and other renewable energy sources. The existing gas system may be playing a completely new role in close interaction with the electricity, heat and transport systems.

Biomass, organic waste, solar and wind can be transformed into gas, which can be compiled as flexible building units and transformed into different fuels. Therefore the flexible gas matches solar and wind very well. This film presents the vision for the future green gas system in Denmark.

Produced by Storywise for

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På togt med Nordkaperen (1984) – første produktion.

I 1984 var jeg på togt med Nordkaperen fra Mexico til USA. Jeg optog denne lille reportage på 16mm film med min håndoptrukne Bolex. Råfilmen blev splejset af ubrugte stumper fra DRs fremkalder i Århus 🙂
På kameraet stod graveret et citat fra Ernest Hemingway: “Lad andre frelse verden og mig beskrive den, som den er”.
Turen starter med den store istandsættelse i Ensenada, Mexico og slutter ca 3 måneder senere, hvor Nordkaperen med Troels Kløvedal ved roret sejler under Golden Gate Bridge og lægger til kaj i Liberty Ship Marina, Sausalito Harbour i San Francisco Bay. Derefter gik turen på tomleren og med Greyhound rundt i hele USA og sluttende i New York 3 måneder senere.
@Anton Gammelgaard.

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“TÆT PÅ DYERENE I KALAHARIØRKENEN” – Produceret af Storywise for DR1

Den store sortmankede løve og de små buskmænd i Kalahari ørkenen er tæt på at uddø. Jesper Stagegaard går tæt på dyr og mennesker i det barske ørkenområde. Med hjælp fra buskmændene, forsøger han at grave sig frem til et dyr i ørkensandet, som kun de færreste af os kender til.
Produceret af Storywise for DR.

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Smart Grid Denmark – the intelligent power system of the future.

”Smart Grid Denmark” – the intelligent power grid of the future.
Denmark is a world leader when it comes to developing tomorrow’s green, flexible and intelligent power system – a power system where the generation, transport and consumption of power is linked intelligently. The energy system of the future is intelligent – we call it Smart Grid. This film tells you the story.
Produced by Storywise for

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Vind i Stikkontakten / Plug-in wind

This is a trailer for Plug-in wind – a film about how power generated by offshore wind turbines ends up in the consumers’ sockets.
One of the world’s largest offshore wind farms will be erected between Djursland and the island of Anholt. With a capacity of 400 MW, it will be twice as big as the largest existing farms in Denmark. is responsible for ensuring that the power from the new offshore wind farm can be brought onshore for transmission through the main electricity grid.
Produced by Storywise for

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Naturserie på DR1: Tæt På Dyrene På Giraffangst

10 vilde giraffer skal indfanges på savannen i Sydafrika. Jesper Stagegaard er med på fangstholdet. Girafferne skal genudsættes i en ny nationalpark i Mocambique, men ikke alt går som planlagt.
Udviklet og produceret af Storywise for DR.

10 wild giraffes have to be captured on the savannah in South Africa. The giraffes are relocated to a new national park in Mozambique and Jesper Stagegaard is on the captureteam. But not everything goes as planned.
Developed and produced by Storywise for DR.

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